Double Crossword

Choice of cryptic or quick puzzle, and (just in case you've been wracking your brains) yesterday's solutions.

Cryptic puzzle


1. Mineral used in the ceramic arts (4)

3. One of the main forces in the world (3-5)

8. The sort of prospect supplied by ramblers, for instance (4)

9. Standard score fails to change the opera (8)

11. Regular stall-holders? (7-5)

13. See 18 Down.

14. Kind of bars to cope with successfully (6)

17. As cattle-keepers they expect to reap dividends (5-7)

20. Being undaunted, I printed a new version (8)

21. See 18 Down.

22. Acts as supervisor abroad, by the sound of it (8)

23. The boss requires endless attention to book-work (4)


1. Indicate the hour to stop marching on (4,4)

2. Its contents are tapped by washers (7)

4. The Spanish title put inside top coat (6)

5. How the minister takes care to stop a badly arranged reunion (10)

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6. One biscuit or a few mixed with the first of the rusks (5)

7. Keep turning over the register (4)

10. Racks used for ambulance equipment (10)

12. Reads distractedly about an individual - that's logical (8)

15. Doesn't expire at home! (4,3)

16. Conveyance providing the French with a seat (6)

18, 13 Across and 21 Across. Used to the country-house life from infancy, we hear (2,3,6,4)

19. Where to find the bathers with nothing under cover! (4)

Quick puzzle


1. Bouquet (4)

3. Buyer (8)

8. Partly open (4)

9. Sleeplessness (8)

11. Ignore (4,2,6)

13. Open (6)

14. Spot (6)

17. Concede (6,6)

20. Spice (8)

21. Mud (4)

22. Lovingly (8)

23. Tidings (4)


1. Rehearsal (8)

2. Loosen (7)

4. Possessing (6)

5. Temporary (5-5)

6. Crazed (5)

7. Wander (4)

10. Burn (10)

12. Uneasy (8)

15. Condition (7)

16. Amble (6)

18. Law (5)

19. Caledonian (4)

Wednesday's solutions


Across: 1 Rationalist; 9 Outpost; 10 Grain; 11 Maria; 12 Volcano; 13 Number; 15 Bedlam; 18 Minster; 20 Clout; 22 Nicer; 23 Tipster; 24 Demonstrate.

Down: 2 Actor; 3 Isolate; 4 Native; 5 Legal; 6 Sea-wall; 7 Commandment; 8 Informatory; 14 Monocle; 16 Escaper; 17 Grates; 19 Torso; 21 Octet.


Across: 1 Therapeutic; 9 Example; 10 False; 11 Enter; 12 Tatters; 13 Invest; 15 Vessel; 18 Ensnare; 20 Learn; 22 Cling; 23 Envious; 24 Represented.

Down: 2 Heart; 3 Reports; 4 Plenty; 5 Unfit; 6 Illness; 7 Beneficence; 8 Beastliness; 14 Vestige; 16 Enliven; 17 Recess; 19 Augur; 21 Alone.