Puppy Separation Anxiety: Here's how to teach your adorable dog that being left alone is nothing to worry about 🐶

It's important that dogs learn to be happy being left home alone.It's important that dogs learn to be happy being left home alone.
It's important that dogs learn to be happy being left home alone.
Many of us will have welcomed new puppies into our homes over the winter and now are facing leaving them home alone for the first time.

Research by Agria Pet Insurance found that almost half (48 per cent) of dog owners felt anxious about being separated from their pets while socialising or attending special events.

Signs of stress shown by animals being left alone included barking and howling, chewing and destructive behaviour, pacing, panting, salivating, scratching at doors, inability to eat when alone and aggression.

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But it’s important to get your pet comfortable with being in their own company.

Trainer and Behaviourist, Carolyn Menteith, explained: “It is important that we think about how our pets are coping on their own, and look for any signs that they are unhappy. Whether you have a young pet you’re preparing to leave for the first time, or an older one who needs some help to feel comfortable by themself, always seek the advice of a qualified pet behaviourist. Helping pets to feel relaxed when we’re not with them can take time and effort, so following the right advice as early as you can, can make things much easier for you both.”

Here are her top tips.

Take baby steps

At dinner time leave the room or use a stairgate to prevent your pet from following you. They will be too interested in dinner to be worried where you’ve gone - but be aware that a puppy will need to go out to the toilet almost immediately after they’ve eaten. This teaches your dog that good things can happen while you are not there.

Try scatter-feeding

If you have a secure garden, take your dog’s kibble and drop it in the grass for them to hunt out. Once they understand this new feeding game, you can scatter it a bit wider - and leave them for a few minutes while they hunt. This way, they’re learning that good things can and do happen when you are not there - and they are also using their scavenging, foraging and scenting instincts.

Don’t let your dog follow you everywhere

While we often like that our dogs follow us wherever we go, it isn’t good for them to think that they will always have constant access to us. Use equipment such as stairgates in doorways; these are cheap, easy to fit and let your dog see where you are going, so they don’t feel abandoned. You can also give your dog a treat while you’re gone. The aim is that they look forward to your absences, not worry about them.

Build up the time

Once you know your dog is happy being left for a few minutes, you can very slowly build up the length of time you leave them. You are teaching them that being alone is safe and it’s nothing to worry about.

Enlist the help of a pet webcam

If you are at all worried that your dog might not be happy when you leave, use a webcam to find out what they are doing when you are not there, and if they show any signs of separation-related behaviours, consult an accredited behaviour professional with experience in separation anxieties for help.