Horoscopes for 2013: Life, love and work

Are you feeling lucky? Our astrologist Anna Estaroth reveals her predictions


Saturn remains in Scorpio all year, which enables you to expand your social network. Your determination to succeed is strongest at the beginning of the year. It fades temporarily in February, but you bounce back quickly. Your creativity is particularly powerful during the first quarter. The springtime is most rewarding, both for your love life and career development.

Some of you experience a meteoric rise but the summer demands a consistency of effort. The autumn is the most challenging time: you’re under pressure emotionally and family dramas take precedence. Any conflict of interest surfaces during September and it may be necessary to make compromises in October.


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You’re brilliant at work in January – take advantage of any opportunities, but be aware that adjustments are required by February. You can achieve significant progress between March and September. This is the best period for government employees, particularly those in the military, and all who work with children. Offset any power struggles in August or they could come back to haunt you in September.


You are remarkably exuberant in March, when your relationship benefits from an inner emotional contentment, and your capacity for psychic awareness is particularly high. This is also when your physical creativity peaks and family life is most satisfying. True romance blossoms in April and May, so express your love and affection. You’re

super-sexy in August. November is the best time for travelling abroad.


Your energy dips in February but you’re intensely fertile, or virile, by the spring. Psychotherapeutic techniques enable you to access deeply hidden inner resources, so talk to those who can help. Art therapy and spiritual healing are very effective. You’re able to resist infection better from July onwards.


It’s likely that your finances take a downward turn in February, when unexpected expenses take their toll, but you can boost your overall earning capacity by March. Revise your fiscal plans in June, so you can spend in July, when a house move, or improvement, is most efficacious. A wise investment pays dividends in December.


Uranus in Aries continues to stir things up in your life: stay on the look-out for stimulating ideas. This is especially true at the start of 2013, when you’re

remarkably lucky. You’re under pressure during the spring but perseverance and creative inspiration help to resolve matters. You’re on a roll during the summer until Uranus goes retrograde in July, when you have to make a number of swift choices, and you need all the support you can muster.

Other people may have a tough time in the autumn but with a combination of ingenuity and excellent planning you should be able to handle everything brilliantly. Uranus goes direct in December, so you end the year on a high note.


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There is a strong emphasis on career development all year round, with other people trying to challenge your position during May, but you’re able to excel over the summer, despite taking a change of direction in July. It’s a rewarding year for those who work with their hands or with the public. It’s less straightforward for anyone in management and science, but even here there is the possibility of achieving a personal best.


You’re intensely desirable in February, which is a perfect time for a romantic break. People are generous and you feel very positive about what you and your partner plan together. Teamwork throughout May is what keeps you afloat, so try to set aside sufficient quality time for your relationship in June. Travel, undertaken in September, generates an aura of optimism.


February is a great time to build up your strength and you’re able to resist infection better than usual. You’re keen to try complementary therapies in March, when they are more efficacious. Counselling, exercise and acupuncture can boost your physical well-being.


Finances are stretched in January but this is a good time to negotiate with work about extra hours or pay. It is worth spending on your home in March, but it’s essential to save for a lean period in May. You are able to splash out on learning opportunities in November.


You’re in good condition at the start of the year. There may be a few emotional moments, but you’re very popular at work and much respected. This is an excellent period for meditation and creative activities. You gain a new lease of life in the spring when passions are strong and you’re intensely desirable. You’re rejuvenated by events and highly successful at work.

The summer starts smoothly but Neptune goes retrograde in June, so expect a few mishaps. Oddly enough, you’re also fairly lucky, so listen to your instincts and go with the flow. Your friends are invaluable throughout the autumn, so listen to advice and act quickly. Plan for a major celebratory event in November, when Neptune goes direct.


Health professionals receive an unexpected accolade in January, which allows you to build up your reputation and excel during the winter quarter. This is a great time for anyone working for a council. Everyone shines during the spring, when it’s easiest to get your message across. This phase benefits childcare workers and those in the arts. Your hard work produces results in April, when a long-term objective is achieved.


You’re much loved this springtime – a romantic holiday would suit. May is fairly stressful for your partner, so you need to be understanding. You’re keen this June to improve your home environment, when it’s easiest to make suitable compromises. You’re brimming with generosity and love in July, when you feel as though you’ve left all your troubles behind.


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It’s worth embarking on a health regime in February as you have the determination to maintain it, and the habits of eating well and exercising sensibly pay off in the spring. You deserve some time to yourself: ensure you take a break from responsibilities.


Your spending may be a source of disagreement with others in January so pay close attention to receipts and make sure anyone you engage to work for you has the proper credentials. You can negotiate well with bank managers in February. Events in October help to provide income.


You achieve considerable prominence, or notoriety, this year. Circumstances can propel you into the limelight, but be prepared for some sudden changes in your life. It’s really important to be careful what you wish for, as even unconscious urges have a way of becoming manifest.

The enormous effort you put in over the latter part of 2012 continues to be felt during the winter quarter, and technology comes to your aid. It’s a good time for participating in social activities and working from home. The truly exciting times come in April, when your career takes off and you overcome any health problems. You’re luckier than usual, but nervous tension can also be high. It’s excellent for sporting activities, although care must be taken to avoid straining muscles.

The summer is far less dramatic – more a period of working behind the scenes. July brings a temporary reversal of fortune which can take some months to resolve. This is when there are work difficulties and much gossip, but this phase can also help you to put your finances on the right track. Tensions rise during autumn when family matters take precedence. You’re more emotional, although a long-standing issue can be resolved. October’s lunar eclipse is in Aries: you need to use insight, then act on your own ideas.


Stay close to those in positions of power: loyalties may be tested during the springtime but, if you prove true, you can reap the benefits in October. Those most likely to succeed are civil servants, sports stars and people who work in the media. The stresses of competitive demands between home and work require your full attention over the autumn. A herculean effort can bring considerable success and you’re very pleased with the outcome.


April heralds a fantastic time for your love life and it is perfect for a romantic holiday. Friends come to the fore and you can expect a dramatic increase in popularity. July is excellent for treating your partner and improving your home. You’re particularly passionate in August and the emotional compatibility is intensely rewarding during November.


This is a high-tension year: try to avoid impulsively overstretching yourself. Endurance activities require you to push yourself through the pain barrier but they can be ultimately rewarding. There can be huge improvements in your health during October due to your own actions or medical interventions. Learn to relax more.


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The events in June provide the best opportunity to sort out any outstanding debts – it’s worth negotiating with banks, bosses, or those who hold the purse strings. You spend more in December, but you gain due to career developments that you worked on earlier in the year.


The focus is primarily on home and family this year. You’re more creative than ever and if you’re intending to move house, or undertake home improvements, this is a good time to do it. A major concern is about money but you should be able to make considerable headway in sorting this out. You’re very good at arguing on behalf of those less able than yourself and a matter involving children, in particular a young heroine, leads you into prominence. It’s a good year for students and travellers.

Talk to people during the winter period: find out what special opportunities there are and take them. The springtime is vital to improving your chances of success. The solar eclipse in May is in Taurus: it enables you to overcome a lingering problem, but there may also be a strange sense of loss. It’s not unusual for you to leave a community group in order to further your own ideas at this time. The summer is a sociable, more light-hearted phase, full of parties, and it’s good for making new friends. There is inadequate time, energy or money during the autumn. Venus retrogrades on the winter solstice so relax, slow down and hibernate for a short stretch.


January is an excellent time for self-promotion: explore all options and store up the information until the time is ripe – 2013 is good for publishing, dance, tourism and speculation. Those of you in the arts, caring professions and service industries will do especially well this year. The toughest period is the autumn: work is stressful and you cannot depend on others to support you.


Travel for romantic reasons tends to drain your resources, although it’s also lots of fun. You’re highly desirable in May, while June is a month of passion. The summer heralds a period of high fertility or virility, so if you want to have children this is a perfect time. Friendships prove to be helpful throughout September. Focus on family enjoyment during October.


Complementary therapies do wonders in February. It’s worth talking to health professionals during the summer as you’re able to put into practice a much-desired healthy routine. You feel more emotionally comfortable and family tensions dissolve. You see progress in August in tackling a chronic problem. September heralds a low-energy phase and you need to allow extra time for recuperation.


You start the year really feeling the pinch. This is partly due to higher unavoidable expenses incurred in December 2012 but this trend continues during January especially for those of you with children. You’re still cautious with your cash in March. Your earning capacity improves during August and you’re lucky with your investments throughout December.