Nicola Sturgeon’s reckoning with eternal shame is now only a question of when - Brian Monteith

How can former First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, look herself in the mirror and not see a bare-faced liar?

On 20 June 2020, during the first year of the pandemic, Sturgeon said in answer to questions from BBC’s Glenn Campbell at her daily briefing, “I want to just come back to basics, here. We’re not dealing with politics at the moment… Frankly, anybody who is trotting out political or constitutional arguments is in the wrong place, completely, and has found themselves completely lost… this is just about what we need to do from a public health practical perspective to stop a virus. From comments yesterday that sounded as if we were dealing with something that was a constitutional argument – that’s nonsense, and we cannot see it like that or we are letting down the people that we are here to serve.”

On the very same day, Sturgeon and her Cabinet “Agreed that consideration should be given to restarting work on independence and a referendum, with the arguments reflecting the experience of the coronavirus crisis and developments on EU exit.”

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Nicola Sturgeon told the Scottish people she was not trying to advance her constitutional and political policy for independence while dealing with Covid, that she was not seeking to use Covid as a means to develop that case, and were anyone to do so they would be letting down the Scottish people. Yet that is exactly what she was agreeing to do on the same day she condemned such an abhorrent action.

Nicola Sturgeon at the podium in 2020 for a Covid briefing (Picture: Jane Barlow/WPA Pool/Getty Images)Nicola Sturgeon at the podium in 2020 for a Covid briefing (Picture: Jane Barlow/WPA Pool/Getty Images)