Letter: Margaret Curran may forget, but voters won't

MARGARET Curran MP for Glasgow East continues her liking for selective amnesia and wants "to turn the page on the past" (News, 26 September). She, and the current crop of Scottish Labour MPs, with one or two exceptions, are an embarrassment to Labour, Scotland and the UK.

The past Ms Curran wants to "turn the page on" had Labour MPs of character, integrity and vision unlike the robotic propagandists Ms Curran's generation represents. She writes of "Labour values of equality and fairness". Which government increased the gap between rich and poor? Is Glasgow still Europe's capital of crime and poverty? Have the activities of Labour-led Glasgow council been fully aired? How many Labour MPs face trial?

Ms Curran writes of "the SNP, a party found completely wanting in the face of a global economic crisis". A global crisis much exacerbated by Labour's cosying up to big business and banks and their near total disregard for financial regulation. Ms Curran also wants to "earn the faith of the voters". Absolutely correct, but it will never happen to the extent it did in the past. The voters know that few governments in history have lied the country into war. I wish Ms Curran success in her sojourn at Westminster - anything to keep her away from Scotland.

Bill McLean, Dunfermline