Managing the inevitable break up

If anyone wants proof that the referendum result did not shoot the independence fox they only have to look as far as The Scotsman’s Letters and political pages, still dominated by both sides of the debate a month after the event.

The fact is that less than half our registered voters elected to remain in the United Kingdom – hardly a ringing endorsement of constitutional policy – and the principal effect of that result has been to quadruple the membership of the SNP.

Let’s face it, the 65,000 and rising new members will not have joined in order to prop up the Union.

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It is obvious to me that the referendum was only the first round of a contest that must inevitably end with 
the break-up of the UK, and sensible people, and well managed businesses, should start planning for that

Like it or not, the days of the Union are likely numbered. The fracture, when it comes, will not be painless, but we will have to learn to manage it.

David Fiddimore

Calton Road


Many thanks to Stan Grodynski (Letters, 17 October) for correcting the arithmetic in my recent letter which was a rather mischievous (and seemingly successful) attempt to wind up some of the more strident Yes supporters.

The fact is that the number of Scots voting for independence fell far short of that required for success – the sovereign will of the Scottish people which Alex Salmond was forever banging on about, but doesn’t seem quite so keen on now, is that Scotland should remain part of the United Kingdom.

The level of debate leading up to the referendum was frankly depressing, both sides were guilty of hyperbole and misleading statements; instead of reasoned debate we got shouting matches.

It is also a quite egregious insult to the majority of citizens to be accused of being persuaded to vote No because of scaremongering rather than having considered the pros and cons and deciding that rejecting independence was the best option for their family, friends and country.

I do hope that when Ms Sturgeon takes over as First Minister she will take into account that she is representing all Scots, the majority of whom wish to remain part of the UK, rather than expending her efforts on pursuing independence to the detriment of good governance.

It is already fairly evident that no matter how many extra powers are devolved to Scotland this will not satisfy the SNP government and we are in for months, if not years, of arguments and haggling. Scotland has its faults but it is still a great country with great people on both sides of the independence debate and the present petty bickering is not helpful.

It is time to move on.

Eric Cartwright

Stirling Road


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