Self delusions

It is wonderful how those who espouse the idea of “independence” in the EU continue to delude themselves about the views of the Scottish people.

Christine McKelvie (whose party I admit not knowing) is quoted (your report, 30 July) as saying that “people of all parties are warming to the idea of independence”. The evidence, however, is quite the reverse.

Indeed, the more that Scots are confronted by the twin proposals of separating from the rest of the UK and all the uncertainties that entails, plus the requirement that a Scotland that may (only may) be allowed to join the EU must join the euro is enough to put anyone off.

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Bearing in mind the antipathy that most people in Britain, on both sides of the Border, bear towards the EU, it is clear that Ms McKelvie and “Labour for Independence” do not speak for a majority in either Labour or Scotland.

Andrew HN Gray

Craiglea Drive