Bridge 07/06/2011

SOME players detest Individuals, but they are great fun, and quite educational if not taken too seriously. This year's winners and runners-up in the SBU Ranked Masters Individuals were: John Matheson and Nigel Guthrie (Benjamin); Andrew Symons and Russell Frame (Harrison); Albert Watson and Steve Pomeroy (Shenkin) and Jake Corry and Jean Armstrong (Fairlie).

John Matheson sat North on this deal, and opened a weak 2D, according to the set system – though not every North judged this hand to be worth it. Neither East nor South had a good bid over that, but when West re-opened with 3C East naturally bid 3NT. John's partner of the moment was Derek Sanders, and he trusted declarer to have diamonds well stopped. He led the seven of spades, won by dummy's ten.

At this point declarer appears to have nine tricks: six clubs, two spades and a heart, but while she establishes them there is a danger that the defence can make five. If she plays a second spade immediately South clears his suit with the ace of hearts as an entry. If she runs clubs she must weaken her own hand fatally. So she played a heart to the king. John split his honours, and Derek won the ace. Now Derek cashed the king of diamonds, getting a discouraging signal. So he played a second heart to establish partner's jack, and the defenders made a spade, two hearts and two diamonds.

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