Disney's 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas' - The stuff of nightmares

The latest tale of childhood from the Disney dream factory is a million miles away from its usual sanitised fare. The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is a harrowing insight into the Holocaust, with an ending that stays true to the shocking truth. By Stephen Applebaum

IF YOU mainly equate Disney with cuddly and fuzzy, then you are in for a shock if you settle down to The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas expecting to leave the cinema with a warm glow. For while the film's title makes it sound like a cosy bedtime story, Mark Herman's (Brassed Off, Little Voice) brave drama, from Disney subsidiary Miramax, is ultimately the stuff of nightmares.

Though a tale of childhood set during the Holocaust, this is no Life is Beautiful. Where that film's mawkish coda offered the audience bogus consolation, the harrowing final few minutes of Herman's film rush us headlong into the infernal machinery of the Final Solution, to which the only responses can be silence, sorrow and tears.

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Survivors' stories, or the stories of so-called righteous gentiles such as Oskar Schindler, may be uplifting and life-affirming, but they do not reflect the truth of the Holocaust: that most people perished. Irish author John Boyne's 2006 best-selling children's novella did not duck this truth, and neither does Herman's adaptation.

Even so, one British commentator recently accused the movie of representing a "Disneyfication of the Final Solution," before going on to wonder "whether The Gas Chamber ride is being installed outside Paris". It was a cheap shot, and Herman is rightly puzzled. "I found that a very muddled piece and didn't really understand what she was getting at because I can't find any Disneyfication in this film," he says. "I don't quite know what she means. It's almost as if that because it's from a child's angle, it becomes too sweet. But one of the points of the story is the innocence of the kids and the ignorance of the grown ups."

"The kids" are Bruno, the eight-year-old son of the newly-appointed commandant of a concentration camp, and Shmuel, the Jewish boy on the other side of the camp's electrified fence, whom he befriends. Despite the charge above, there is virtually no sentimentality in Herman's portrayal of their journey from innocence to a grim realisation about the adult world surrounding them.

Moreover, he has kept his word to Boyne that he would not dilute the book's shocking climax. "I met early with him and sort of promised that I would protect the ending. Although that was a promise, obviously, that wasn't really in my power to keep," he laughs, "because making movies doesn't work like that."

It appears that Herman did not just want to be faithful to Boyne's vision. "In a way, the ending is sort of payback to the ending of Life is Beautiful," he says, referring to Roberto Benigni's lugubrious Oscar- winning comedy. "The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas accelerates to the end, it gets ahead of you, and then it's gone. There's no sort of, 'Oh, I can meet my mother out in the countryside.'"

The ending had actually been one of the key elements that appealed to Herman when he first read The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas in galley form, prior to its publication. There was already a buzz about the book but, unusually, no-one had picked up the film rights. "I was kind of surprised because the word was so good," he says. "But then you think about the subject matter and you can perhaps understand why (the studios] stayed clear. I just felt that if people read the book, they might think it's difficult to turn into a film, so if a film studio could read a screenplay instead of the book, they might get it. But the only way of doing that was to buy the rights myself." So that is what he did.

Free to work without studio interference, Herman set about adapting the book. He took out one of his favourite scenes where Hitler and Eva Braun visit Bruno's family in Berlin – "we're making a fictional story, and putting in a real character would put it out of kilter", he explains – and made his version of the camp an unnamed place rather than Auschwitz, or "Out-With", as Boyne's Bruno calls it in the novella. Herman was fascinated by the ambiguities of looking at this world and its characters through the eyes of a German child. People who we would consider monsters in hindsight, such as Bruno's father (played by David Thewlis in the film), become more familiar. "These guys were really human beings," says the filmmaker. "They protected their family, they were decent fathers during the evening. And then the next day they'd go out and kill so many people. I love all that ambiguity."

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